1:1 Intensive Progressive ABA Therapy

Newberry Park’s intensive and progressive ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) treatment is a specialised programme for education of children with special needs and learning difficulties. At Newberry Park we use a very active teaching and learning process that is purely driven by goals and outcomes. Our teaching and therapy is individually tailored to each child which, in the beginning stages, relies heavily on 1-on-1 therapy with the main focus on communication, academics, play, social, self-help and other functional living skills.


The amount of ABA treatment therapy hours will be dependent upon the student and may range from 15 hours to as many as 40 hours per week. Sessions are usually based on 3-hour blocks and may occur 5 days per week.

The duration of therapy sessions and the number of hours per child are all dependent on the following factors:

The age of the child

School placement when appropriate

Ancillary services

Newberry Park. Our intensive and progressive ABA treatment is a specialised program for education that is purely driven by goals and outcomes.

Our 1:1 Intensive Progressive ABA Treatment includes

  • One therapist per child
  • An individualised programme that is built on the assessed needs of the child
  • Learning through play and practice in multiple settings
  • All learning is tracked via data and the student’s progress is recorded
  • Weekly supervision by case consultants
  • Monthly progress meetings

ABA Therapy works well for children with educational and special needs, and it is well known as the therapy of choice for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Our school focuses on making sure that both children with special needs and autism are taught skills which will enable their growth and development.